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2017 Simon Says Recap


I started the ‘Simon Says’ column this year with the goal of providing readers with bits of helpful advice and information. I’ve passed on things I’ve learned, and tips I’ve found to be useful in life and business.

I’ve covered topics from the unseen benefits of quitting, to networking like a champ, all as a way to provide some value and benefit to those reading. Whether people take away tips on adopting technology or adopting a mentor, I hope someone uses that advice to make their everyday life a little more effective.

Either way, the Simon Says column has been a fun outlet for providing all of these insights. So, let’s take a look back at all of the topics we’ve covered in 2017.

DontJustSetGoals.jpgDon’t Just Set Goals

Setting goals is easy. The hard part is getting from Point A to Point B. The goals we set are simply the destination; Point B. There are a lot of things in-between those points that act as the roadmap to your success. Read More


HowQuittingWorkedForMe.jpgHow Quitting Worked for Me

We often fear the negative consequences of quitting. Yet, there may be certain cases where quitting is the exact path you need to create space for what is right for you. Perhaps moderation, focus on your ultimate goals, and quitting certain things, can lead to a healthy, happier, more successful life? Read More


HowAthletesGetItRight.jpgHow Athletes Get It Right

Athletes, at any level, don’t merely show up for a game. They train, they workout, and they analyze their performance. Athletes find new techniques and new ways to improve. The same applies to those in the business world. Read More


HowMuchCanYouReallyImprove.jpgHow Much Can You Really Improve?

There’s this idea that certain things can’t be changed and once we reach that peak, we’ve come as far as we can. If we practice and strive for improvement, there are no limits to how much we can improve if we just apply ourselves. Read More


HowMentorsContribute.jpgHow Mentors Contribute to Your Success

Having a mentor, or mentors is one of the most important things you can do to facilitate your success. Finding the right people who are willing to guide you through your career will make all the difference in the world. Read More


KeysToNetworking.jpgFour Keys to Networking Like a Champ

“If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.” I take that philosophy to heart, because your ability to learn is amplified by surrounding yourself with people that are much smarter than you. Read More


ButFirstCoffee.jpgBut First Coffee: Tips to Manage Moods in the Workplace

Carrying certain moods into the workplace can affect our job performance, how we act, and how we interact with others. Learning to recognize and navigate those moods in ourselves and others will lead to a happy and healthy work environment. Read More


IsTechAdoptionPartofYourPlan.jpgIs Tech Adoption Part of Your Plan?

We’re on the cusp of technological advances that will fundamentally alter how we live and work. But it also brings competitive and financial pressures. To stay relevant in our current industrial revolution, we have to find ways to use technology to shape our futures. Read More


PowerfulWaystoGiveThanks.jpg4 Simple, Yet Powerful Ways to Give Thanks

In the workplace, giving thanks should be a year-long season. Showing gratitude to those around you offers benefits on an individual and organizational level. Regular recognition means a happier, healthier, and more productive workplace. Read More

Advice SimonSays Seller Tenant Broker Buyer

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