The Lifecycle of a Real Estate Company: From Inception to Exiting the Market
No matter what type of real estate company you are, or the size of our company or asset type you focus on, entrepreneurs and real estate companies must make critical business decisions at each step of the way.
This exclusive “Deep Dive” series includes three separate sessions that will explore the lifecycle of a real estate company. Each session will include a discussion of the key issues that real estate companies face at each phase, from the entrepreneur looking for seed capital and setting up their business structure to the growing company seeking institutional capital and growth channels, to the mature company looking for strategies to sell or wind down.

The sessions include intimate and interactive panel discussions with industry leaders and will foster conversation around key topics.
Session 2: Capturing the Market: Business Strategies & Issues for the Growing Real Estate Company Session Two will focus on the issues that a company faces as they move beyond the initial deals that helped launch the business. The discussion will revolve around key issues that a growing company faces, including:
• What strategies should I employ to maximize growth?
• How do you develop and maintain a pipeline of new deals to keep your business growing?
• How do I build my team as my company grows?
• What new capital sources can I tap into to maximize growth?
Click here for more information on the event and to register: ULI Arizona Exclusive Deep Dive Series